Dry Cleaning Pickup & Delivery Service near Grand Prairie, Dallas, Arlington, and Fort Worth
JA Wash N Dry offers dry cleaning pickup and delivery service near Dallas Fort Worth. We provide dry cleaning services with FREE pickup and delivery within a 25 miles radius around our Grand Prairie laundromat. There is a minimum order of $30 for the FREE pickup service, but we can also include your regular dirty laundry for wash and fold service to reach that amount.
We work with a local dry cleaner for your dry-cleaning needs that you want to have picked up. There are many types of clothes that are not washable and need to be dry cleaned. Such as: suits, slacks, dresses, pants, ties, vests, coats and jackets.
If you are calling JA Wash N Dry to pick up your Wash and Fold, send us your dry cleaning at the same time! We are a "one stop shop"! Let us handle your laundry and dry cleaning.